UNION ARENA: BLEACH Green Deck List and Guide

Toshiro Hitsugaya is so strong he’s pretty much defined the BLEACH Green deck archetype in UNION ARENA. However, he can’t work alone. In this deck list and guide, we’ll be looking at how leveraging the full potential of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads grants Toshiro unkempt power, freezing the opposition into submission, and helping you rush to seven life points faster than you can say Bankai.

BLEACH Green Deck List and Guide

4th of 60 by Michael Tran

Turn one characters

As with any UA deck, BLEACH Green has plenty of zero-energy cost characters to help you get things going. In this deck, they are primarily Raid targets for your bigger and stronger characters.

Toshiro Hitsugaya is present among them as a vanilla zero-cost character, as is Retsu Unohana. But you also have two other characters who offer more strategic advantages outside of simply being shift targets.

The first is Ukitake who you can use to gain extra energy on your Energy line before sidelining. That’s a powerful effect in decks like this that need just a little more energy to get going.

Lastly, this deck smartly runs one copy of Yumichika – a character with the Nullify Impact. This guy’s sole reason for existence is to trade favorably with Impact characters, keeping your Life safe from unnecessary hits.

Two-cost characters come with handy effects

Before getting into what makes up the bulk of this deck’s primary strategy, we should look at the two-cost characters that you have at your disposal. These are mostly here to gain a strategic advantage, and don’t make for great attackers.

The first is the actually pretty phenomenal Unohana who lets you draw a card when she is played. Second, you have Kira who gains Energy Generation when active – so effectively a two energy character after the first turn he’s played.

Third is the deceptively strong Hirako. This guy’s sole existence is to beef up the Impact capabilities of your characters. Other than that, you can just use him to attack or gain energy depending on your situation.

Lastly, this deck runs two copies of the two-cost Toshiro. Not only does this give you additional potential Raid targets, Toshiro is strong if you have the required number of characters in play.

BLEACH Green has a backbone of strong three-cost characters

One of the things that stands out the most about Green BLEACH to me is how many multi-purpose three-cost characters it comes with. These characters work effectively on the front line and the energy line, gaining you incremental energy that can help you get ahead, as well as coming with strong effects that can be used to take down your opponent.

This deck runs two of these unique characters, Komamura and Shunsui.

Komamura is like a swiss army knife for this deck, capable of moving in and out of the energy line/front line as needed, while also being a capable pinch hitter.

Meanwhile, Shunsui is here mostly to threaten a double damage attack. While you won’t always get this off, it definitely makes your opponent think twice about letting him through their defenses.

Four-cost characters are your main line of attack

Generally speaking, four-cost characters are very strong in UA right now. We’ve seen how BLEACH Purple uses these characters to utterly dominate the game. Luckily BLEACH Green has several of these strong characters up its sleeve.

Indeed, each is so strong that they deserve their own breakdowns of how good they are. Let’s start with Kenpachi.


Given how epic of a character Kenpachi is, I guess it only stands to reason that he would get such a strong and useful adaptation to the game. Here he’s got 4000 BP with two passive effects. First of all, his BP can’t be reduced, which means he can’t be obliterated by cards like Ichigo’s five-cost Raid ability. That gives him some powerful stickiness. Meanwhile, he gains 1000 BP during your turn, something which makes it possible for him to tear through your opponent’s front line regardless of who they have on the field.

Second Kenpachi

Second Kenpachi

Your second attack option is even more of an aggressive play than the above Kenpachi. This character can only be played to your front line, meaning you have no recourse here other than to attack. Your best bet is to wait to play him until you’ve sufficiently stacked up your bench with plenty of other Thirteen Court Guard Squad Affinity characters. This way he’s melting characters with 4000 BP or less.

Additionally, this Kenpachi has the ever-solid Impact ability, making him deadly in the right situations.

Toshiro Hitsugaya

And, finally, we have Toshiro Hitsugaya – the guy who is basically the backbone of this entire deck. His When Played ability is the reason he’s so strong, letting you choose one character on your opponent’s front line and freezing them until your next turn. That’s pretty insane, meaning you can easily work around your opponent’s strongest character. Meanwhile, if you have enough Thirteen Court Guard Squad characters in play, you can also freeze the entire energy line.

While that might sound a little unintuitive, this can be a powerful tool to force your opponent out of valuable resources like cards that gain energy when active or other effects that only activate by switching to resting.

At four energy, 4000 BP, with Raid, Toshiro is one of the strongest cards in the entire game right now.

Unohana adds powerful card search to this deck

The last character who is core to this deck’s strategy also costs the most to play, and that is Raid Unohana.

Yachiru Unohana is a strong 4000 BP Raid character and draw engine all-in-one. She lets you look at the top four cards of your deck and add one Thirteen Court Guard Squad affinity character to your hand. As if that weren’t strong enough, you also reduce the action point of the next character you play this turn by one. While this is handy regardless of the card you play, you could conceivably pull a Kenpachi from the top of your deck and play it for just one action instead of paying the hefty two cost.

No matter the character you play using this effect, it’s a huge strategic advantage at your disposal thanks to having Unohana.

Get added energy to play Unohana with Yamamoto

Yamamoto’s five cost character is very strong in general, but especially as a way to ensure you have enough energy on the field to play Unohana. Despite being a strong character with a gnarly effect that sends characters he defeats to the removal area (a great counter to BLEACH Purple), he also gains Energy even when on the front line, and has a Color trigger effect.

Event cards to gain the upper-hand

Before getting into the matchups, lets talk about your event cards. This deck runs a total of three. The most important are Bankai and Daiguren Hyorinmaru.

In case you don’t know, Bankai (also called your “Final” card) is a staple in every UA deck, letting you reuse AP and also saving you in the case it is your Final card in your life area (hence the nickname). Bankai is a powerful card and in some ways the single strongest card in the entire game, letting you basically take multiple turns in a single turn.

Meanwhile, this deck’s Special trigger card is capable of removing 5000BP characters and under, making it vital to this deck’s strategy.

While these are your strongest event cards, you also have the Thirteen Court Guard Squads event card, letting you search the top cards on your deck for two characters.

BLEACH Green deck matchups

BLEACH Green is a solid deck that fairs well in the current meta. It’s one of the strongest decks in the game, with a favorable matchup against the BLEACH Purple deck and an even matchup with Kurapika Hunter x Hunter Green.

If you’re looking for a deck with a lot of synergies and one that packs a punch to boot, give Green BLEACH a try!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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