The 10 Best UNION ARENA TCG Decks Right Now
Looking for the best UNION ARENA deck to take with you to your next store tournament and get your favorite winner card? I’ve compiled a list of the most meta relevant decks right now, starting with the current best deck in the format.
UNION ARENA currently boasts a surprisingly wide array of competitive decks given how new the game is. And while there are many playable decks, five decks in particular stand out as the strongest: Blue Sukuna, BLEACH Purple, Kurapika Green, Code Geass Purple, and Code Geass Green.
#1 Code Geass Purple is the strongest UNION ARENA deck
There are so many strong decks already in the meta that it’s almost hard to believe anything stronger could come along. Well, that just happened thanks to Code Geass Purple. What makes this deck so solid isn’t just it’s innate power. It’s the pact that it has ways to deal with every situation out there.
Going up against a Kurapika? No problem – drop that BP by 1000 via Gawain or two-cost Lelouch. Need to clear your opponent’s board? No problem. Raid a Guren and force them to block.
This deck has the raw power and versatility to dominate the meta and is the single strongest deck released to date!
Learn how to pilot Code Geass Purple to victory.
#2 Blue Sukuna
Luckily, just because there’s a top tier deck right now doesn’t mean it can’t be beaten. Sukuna is likely your best deck to play against Code Geass Purple as it goes toe-to-toe with it in many aspects.
Blue Sukuna brought with it a fun new mechanic into the UNION ARENA TCG meta, one that is focused on hunting for specific cards (Sukuna’s Finger) and getting said cards into the sideline. Do this and you unlock additional effects that effectively bolster your Sukuna Raid character to a status that effectively makes it the single strongest character in the game right now.
For more info on how to pilot the formidable Sukuna Blue deck, read my guide.
#3 Kurapika Green Hunter x Hunter Deck
This UA heavyweight was once the single strongest deck around. New sets, however, have brought with them powerful strategies to level the playing field. Today, Kurapika is still in contention for best deck but not tier zero as it once was.
You don’t need to look much farther than Kurapika’s Raid card to see why this deck is powerful. A 5000 BP essentially makes Kurapika one of the strongest attackers in the game. And that’s without taking into consideration the other powerful effects it has at its disposal – like Snipe plus Impact.
Asolid rung of secondary attackers, plenty of shift targets, and strong draw support make Kurapika currently the deck to beat in the UNION ARENA metagame.
While Kurapika dismantles your opponent’s front line, characters like Neon provide much needed draw support, even enabling you to play a character directly from the top five cards of your deck in the active position.
Meanwhile, many of the characters in this deck have access to the powerful Impact keyword, making it easier to hack away at your opponent’s Life cards.
Kurapika hits hard and has a plethora of useful cards at its disposal that make it a strong deck that’s relatively easy to play.
Learn how to build and play this powerful Kurapika Green Hunter x Hunter deck!
#4 BLEACH Purple
While the Raidless Rush deck might have taken the UA world by storm, the more standard way of building BLEACH Purple is quickly becoming the more popular build.
It’s fun, it’s fast, and more well-rounded than the Raidless variant mentioned above.
One of the things that’s very cool about UNION ARENA (at least so far) is that the starter decks are pretty fire. While they do come with their own fair share of relatively useless cards, they are fully playable right out of the box, and it doesn’t take a whole lot to upgrade them.
BLEACH Purple is one of the starter decks released in the states upon UA’s debut. It also happens to be one of the strongest decks in the meta right now. And it’s not hard to see why.
In this deck you have a powerful combination of Ichigo Kurosaki’s Raid characters with Raid characters of Rukia and Renji. Combined these characters give you an unbelievably strong frontline and pretty much unparalleled card removal.
If you needed another reason why this deck was so strong, you can combine Ichigo (at any level) with Getsugatensho to obliterate anything on the field.
I’ve had hand’s on experience with this deck and can attest to its overwhelming power. If you are looking for a winning deck list that’s fun to play, build BLEACH Purple.
Learn how to play this BLEACH Purple deck via my guide.
#5 Code Geass Green Lancelot
The last of the very top tier decks right now is the formidable Lancelot deck. This deck looks so incredibly strong on paper that I was afraid it would single-handedly dominate the meta once it was released. However, we Code Geass Purple puts it at pay a bit. Code Geass Purple has the advantage in the matchup. It works faster, needs less energy to run, and has plenty of sneaky ways to get through Lancelot in a pinch.
That being said, Lancelot has a strong matchup against virtually every other deck out there, going toe-to-toe with all of the baddest decks out there.
While Air Cavalry is the card that catches your eye the quickest, it’s actually the six-cost Lancelot raid that is this deck’s strongest card. It’s very easy to hit six energy in a deck so focused on energy generation, and Lancelot is an absolute beast.
Of course, if you can manage to get the Air Cavalry into play it will certainly bolster your chances of winning as you rid the field of your opponent’s strongest character, and also force them to choose between blacking an Impact blow or taking a two damage hit!
Learn how to build and play this Lancelot deck via Jeremy’s guide.
#6 Toshiro Rush
There’s a reason Toshiro is the key to this deck’s success – its freezing effect that activates when played has the ability to force all of your opponent’s characters into resting is befitting of Toshiro’s icy Bankai.
Apart from a host of low-cost attackers that are intended to help you “rush” your opponent (hence the name), a notable standout includes Kenpachi Zenpaki – an utterly attack focused card with no recourse for defense.
Although at the beginning of BLEACH’s set release there were many different ways to play Toshiro – including pairing it with cards like Unohana and Yamamoto – the definitive Toshiro build seems to be this one – also one that won a major online tournament hosted by the Egman.
Read my BLEACH Green deck guide for more in-depth info on how to play this deck.
#7 BLEACH Yellow Deck
What I like about this build is the added card removal you get via Yhwach’s Raid. Combine him with Medalize and you can really do a lot of damage to the board.
Additionally, you also have four of the three-cost Yhwach characters which I think is a smart play. Using his When Played effect, you can actually somewhat control the pace of the game, discarding the top card of the deck if it is strong, or leaving it there and forcing your opponent to draw into a dead card.
Jugram is also a very strong card and also plays into the “controlling the game” aspect with its discard effect (one of the few in the game right now) coupled with Impact and a powerful built-in draw engine which is sort of like a Rukia Raid from BLEACH Purple only stronger when you take into account the rest of what he does.
While Yellow may not pack as hard of a punch as the other top decks in this format right now, it’s a strong contender in the UNION ARENA meta and will more than likely show up at your store tournament or BLEACH Rare Battle.
#8 Blue Bomber
When the English version for UNION ARENA first launched, Blue Bomber didn’t get serious attention. However, that all changed overtime and Blue Bomber slowly snuck its way up much higher in the meta. This deck is undoubtedly a combo deck, requiring you to sequence multiple, disparate cards together in order to unlock some pretty killer effects.
For example, the most difficult combo I find to overcome that this deck pulls off relatively easily is by using one of your various methods to choose what card is on top of your deck, then using your many effects that need a card with a cost of two ore more on the top of your deck to just mess with the field.
Manage to do this early enough and right and you can seriously mess up your opponent’s field and take the win.
Additionally, this deck boasts some very powerful but easy-to-overlook cards like the Paladin’s Necklace and Strip of Beach.
While a bit combo-heavy to be at the very top of the UNION ARENA tier list, it’s a fun deck that shows how strong creative and tricky decks can be in a game that otherwise likes to play pretty straight.
#9 Yellow Gojo
Last but not least we have Yellow Gojo. This deck is very fun to play and has some incredibly powerful cards in it. Gojo himself is a hyper powerful six cost character, complete with Impact and an ability that acts basically as a free Final, reducing the cost of the next character you play by one.
Two more highlights from this deck include Hollow Purple which straightup sends characters to a the removal area (hard countering BLEACH Purple) and the intriguing Nobara character who contains Damage 2 outside of her Raid box.
#10 Code Geass Red Pizza
Last but not least we have a deck that I think people are likely sleeping on right now, and that’s Code Geass Red Pizza. While most seem to see this deck as something of a “fun” deck, after seriously testing it against other top tier meta decks I can say there’s nothing gimicky about this deck.
If you manage to get things set up, and plenty of Pizza affinity card in your sideline, you can use the strong C.C. four-cost character to demolish your opponent in a closing move. I would not surprised to see this budget-friendly deck topping many rare battles and store tournaments over the next several weeks.
Learn how to play my custom build for the Code Geass Red Pizza deck.
These are the strongest decks in the game right now you should know about, but stay tuned as I will be updating this list with even more strategies you can use to compete at your next UA store tournament!